Commissions and Officers of the Department of Art and Crafts Teacher Education
Exemption and Adjustment Officers (Amnesty, Horizontal transfer, Vertical transfer, etc.)
The 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 4th year counsellors are responsible for which year's exemption or adjustment will be made.
Community Service Practices Officer
Res. Asst. Dr. Melik İSKENDER
Teaching Practice Specialist
Res. Asst. Uğur AKBULUT
Course Schedules Specialist
Lecturer Yıldız YILMAZ KAÇAR
Exam Schedules Specialist
Res. Asst. Emine ALTUN
Erasmus Specialist
Prof. Dr. Şehnaz YALÇIN (Master Degree)
Res. Asst. Uğur AKBULUT (Undergraduate)
Education and Training Information System (MEOBS) Specialist
Res. Asst. Uğur AKBULUT
Web Page administrator
Res. Asst. Uğur AKBULUT
Department of Art and Crafts Teacher Education Student Advisors
1. Sınıf Danışmanları
Prof. Dr. Şehnaz YALÇIN
Dr. Academic Member H. Avni ÖZTOPÇU
Res. Asst. Uğur AKBULUT
2. Sınıf Danışmanları
Associate Professor Ümit GEZGİN
Lecturer Neşegül EKİNCİ
Lecturer Yıldız YILMAZ KAÇAR
3. Sınıf Danışmanları
Lecturer Dr. M. Mert GÜRHAN
Lecturer İnci KANARYA
4. Sınıf Af, ve Geç Mezun Danışmanları
Prof. Dr. H.Müjde AYAN
Dr. Academic Member Üye Vesile AYKAÇ
Dr. Res. Asst. Melik İSKENDER
This page updated by Art and Crafts Teacher Education on 27.11.2024 17:10:03